Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Visit From Some VIPs - Foster Care day 10 (10.4.14)

Kora went up the stairs (about 10 steps leading to our back yard) this morning w/ out any help (I was next to her to steady her if needed but she didn't)!I think her motivation is that she figured out that our other foster always leaves a little food in their bowls cause when she got to the top of the stairs she straight lined it to our other foster's food bowl! Wish I could have filmed going up the stairs. It was funny cause it was sideways & backwards cause her hind legs weren't strong enough.

Also, Kora was visited by the Vet Tech who worked on her the first evening she was brought to CACC (Sue Wojcik) as well as the CACC Transfer Team volunteer who helped get her to Players for Pits and set up her foster family (Sarah Lauch) who made her this wonderful blanket for her!

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