Monday, September 29, 2014

The Improvements Continue! (Foster Care Day 5) 24 lbs!

Today was the first day Kora hadn't peed or pooped in the crate overnight! So I think to myself, lets try something...I carry her out to our yard and she sits down and you could tell she was just in heaven! She ends up sitting there enjoying it for about five minutes then gets up and takes about five steps and squats and pees!!!! I so showered her with good girls and good pees and ear rubs!!! I didn't even think to see if she would poop. We then go inside and she goes right over to the training pads on her own and poops on them!!! She's such a good girl!!! Tried the outside again in the evening and she peed again! Also, Kora got weighed today (on the bathroom scale so not sure how accurate) but she weighed 24 lbs which means she gained 2.8 lbs since she's been in foster care!

Who Put A Quarter In You? (Foster Care Day 4)

We woke up to a totally different foster child this morning! 

This morning when Kora was taken out of the crate and I laid her down, I turned around to find she had not only sat up on her own but was starting to stand up and walking on her own.  And the momentum continued with her staying up and walking or standing for a good hour! And then next we know she is pushing and moving the Ex pen we have separating her from our own pups!

Kora Starting To Walk!

That Tail Just Wont Stop!

Foster Care Day 2

Some of Kora's changes are starting to be noticeable. The first few days of foster we would either have to help her over to be on her stomach lying with her front paws forward (Kind of like the Egyptian Anubis pose that you see so many statues of with the front legs outstretched forward and the back legs to the side of the body). Otherwise, she would just stay lying on whichever side your put her on.She started to move onto her stomach and hold herself up every now and then by herself and moved into different positions on her own more often. Here again instead of just lying on her side we would find her partially curled up some or facing the opposite direction from what she was facing where we left her or even lying on her stomach head up and looking at you (and of course tail wagging)!
She also seems to have a bit more energetic and doing things like drinking more.
She did try to take a step when placed in the sitting position! She's trying so hard!

Into Foster Care 9/24/14 (21.2 lbs)


After leaving the great care at the Glen Ellyn Animal Hospital by Trudy and Dr. Bauer, Kora moved into foster care.
Saying goodbye to Veterinary Technician Trudy.
Kora ready to go to her foster home!

At this point Kora weighed 21.2 lbs (after gaining 6 lbs at the vet). She still was fairly immobile and not able to move from off her side without help. Still, with help, she could hold her head up for short periods of time.